Hi, I'm Shirish Pokharel!
I go by 'Shirish' which is pronounced Si-Reash. My last name is pronounced Pokharel -- Poe-Kh-Rael.
As of September 2024 I work as an Senior Innovation Engineer at Solaria Labs. I enjoy working here, with smart, talented, and caring coworkers.
My resume
is available if your interests are strictly professional.
A personal timeline
of interesting things I have done in the past 15 years or so, if that interests you.
Fun and interesting facts
about me.
This website is about 80% complete. Some pages are still being edited, content is being added, and some features are on the buggier side. Check out the search bar on the top right to see a slightly buggy implementation of in-page search!
About Me
I'm currently working as a Senior Innovation Engineer at Solaria Labs. I'm based in Seattle and believe the Pacific Northwest is heaven on Earth. I went to Tufts University and Amherst UMass for college and grad school. A few of the small businesses I have founded have succeeded, and others have floundered and failed. I was an organizer of TEDx events two years in a row.