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LLM's will be the next spellcheck assistant, not the next robotic overlords!

I’ve changed my opinion on genAI and LLM’s a few times now. As technology, politics, and economics around these technologies change, my beliefs have evolved. In this essay I propose that generative AI will be mostly a collaborative revolution. Generative models can magnify human abilities and make collaboration easier. We...

The Checklist Manifesto: A Guide to Better Software Engineering

A review of Atul Gawande’s seminal book ~ The Checklist Manifesto ~ and the lessons it holds for engineers.

A blogger's plea (and a proposal) to Google: bring back Blogger!

This essay proposes a plan for revitalization of Google Blogger. I argue for a premium subscription model, trendy features powered by Gemini AI , and a focus on actual user needs, not perceived ones. This is a high-level summary of a much detailed documentation I’m working on.

What's next for AI? My predictions for the next 10 years

Explainable AI, optical AI, analog AI, and meta-learning. I predict the culmination of optimizing massive generative models will result generative AI being turned into a commodity, and these four areas will be the next frontiers of innovation in machine learning.

The risk of production, customer-facing LLM's let lose

Readers of technology-adjacent news might remember the recent case where a Canadian passenger, Jake Moffatt, sued Air Canada after its online chatbot misinformed him about bereavement fares, costing him hundreds of dollars? Air Canada ended up losing the case, and now must stand by the commitment made by its AI...

Book review of David Epstein’s Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World

Author David Epstein argues that individuals who embrace diverse experiences and develop a broader range of skills outperform specialists in complex and unpredictable environments. The conclusion flies in the face of the conventional wisdom that values early specialization and deliberate practice in a single domain. Epstein’s central thesis in his...